Approaches to exploring global learning and collaboration

Our three stages of the Co-blended learning model take teachers and students in classrooms on the explore journey of global learning and collaboration. Don't miss out this unique opportunity to broaden your horizons.

About Promising Practices for COIL Implementation in K-12.

A set of courses regarding K-12 COIL with global content, teaching materials, and instructional pedagogy that are so exciting and innovative makes a debut.

Co-blended Learning Model

The co-blended learning model is the pedagogy model used for K-12 COIL. The Co-blended learning model is an innovative pedagogy. It is particularly suitable for use in implementing COIL in K-12.

Each classroom, even in different gegrphic location, can transfer become a global learning hub for students. Based on the connection of the co-blended learning Model, students can obtin and engage meaningful global learning experiences.

K-12 COIL Co-blended Learning Model


The co-blended learning model is grounded in co-teaching involving a team of educators and blended learning. Within this teacher team, there were two distinct roles: the bridge teacher and the partner teacher.

Blended Learning

Through the Co-blended learning model, the learning environments created for students are a common virtual exchange environment and the physical environment in each classroom. On the other hand, this means students receive instruction and guidance from both of partner teachers and the bridge teacher during the learning.

Real-time synchronization
and Asynchronous learning

Students will engage in diverse learning activities and learn from the thematic course based on a sociocultural perspective and global view. By integrating face-to-face interactions with online components, the Co-blended learning model optimizes both learning approaches.

Real-time synchronization learning

  • International collaborative online learning activities
  • International virtual exchange activities.
Real-time synchronization learning

Asynchronous learning activities

  • Cooperative learning and exchange on the online learning platform
  • In-person project-based learning activities.
Asynchronous learning activities

The implementation has three stages.

K-12 COIL implementation three stages
  • Foster interaction among all participating students from different classes.
  • Combining real-time online learning and synchronized online collaborative learning tasks to guide all students in establishing foundational concepts about the course.
  • Guiding students from each class to engage in in-depth discussions on the course theme and collaborate on a PBL project within their teams.
  • During the process, students learn to use design thingking to create their learning works (or project reports) and upload it to an asynchronous learning platform.
  • Through the completion process of project, students could obtain an opportunity to integrate their knowledge and skills to develop higher-level abilities such as 21st-century skills.
  • Since all students engage in the same thematic course and complete identical projects, they could share numerous similar learning experiences and feedback during this stage.
  • Facilitate active interaction, communication, and deep discussion among students by digital tools used in an inclusive environment.
  • Each student could learn from their peers, even if they are from different classrooms. Making all involved obtain an exciting and enriching experience from the international collaboration.

Dr. Yu-Chen Huang

Fulbright Program Scholar
  • A seasoned educator, scholar, and school leader in Taiwan.
  • A practitioner passionate about leveraging technology for meaningful learning and innovative teaching.
  • An expert is skilled in designing and managing educational programs for global collaboration and intercultural learning.
  • A facilitator who is energetic in promoting COIL implemented in K-12.