The benefits of
implementing COIL in K-12

International Education Experience

International Education Experience

Provide the closest international education experience for students; students do not need to worry about the high costs of study or travel abroad and associated risks.

Cultural Exchange

Cultural Exchange

Allow students to engage in collaborative learning with peers from different locations and exchange ideas, as well as share cultural experiences, all without leaving the classroom.

21st-Century Skills

21st-Century Skills

Create international collaborative learning opportunities for students to enhance their 21st-century skills, such as social and interpersonal competence, teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

Global Friendships and Partnerships

Global Friendships and Partnerships

Establish a direct connection between the students to each other, allowing the students to obtain opportunities to develop friendships with other peers from different countries and partnerships for the future.

Cost-Effective Cross-Cultural Learning

Cost-Effective Cross-Cultural Learning

Supporting schools to add an international feature based on such a low-cost and convenient cross-cultural learning program does not require additional investment or special IT equipment.

Early Intercultural Interactionage

Early Intercultural Interaction

Providing meaningful intercultural learning experiences in the school environment supports students to practice the skills of intercultural communication sooner rather than later.

International Professional Learning for Teachers

International Professional Learning for Teachers

Create an environment for teachers from different schools to come together to connect and establish partnerships with each other.

Professional Development Through Classroom Observation

Professional Development Through Classroom Observation

Provide a valuable professional development approach for teachers, and improve their teaching skills through international online classroom observation.

Exchange instructional knowledge

Exchange instructional knowledge

Provide a unique opportunity for teachers to engage in an international professional learning community, exchange instructional knowledge, engage in dialogue, and collaborate teaching with teachers from different countries.

Dr. Yu-Chen Huang

Fulbright Program Scholar
  • A seasoned educator, scholar, and school leader in Taiwan.
  • A practitioner passionate about leveraging technology for meaningful learning and innovative teaching.
  • An expert is skilled in designing and managing educational programs for global collaboration and intercultural learning.
  • A facilitator who is energetic in promoting COIL implemented in K-12.